Case study


Contemplating moving to a new positioning in the market is risky for any business.

Risk Most Rewarding: Insurance brokerage’s distinct identity guaranteed with Brandonian


Risk is something that Morgan Appleby understands intimately. Morgan’s business is Alleviate, a specialist risk insurance brokerage.

Morgan, a self-confessed entrepreneur, is passionate about his business and charting a distinct direction for its positioning.

Alleviate is quite a new brand in the market, having rebranded following the buy-out of a business partner in 2016. Changing the name was one thing.  Morgan was anxious to pursue a distinct positioning that would set his business and offering well apart in the risk insurance category.

“Risk insurance is characterised as dry and extremely conservative – and this is how many businesses in the category are happy to be positioned,” said Morgan.

“That’s not what my business is about. You need to embrace risk, have strategies in place to correctly manage it, and reap the rewards.”

Morgan wanted to positively differentiate his business to reflect his own positive and pro-active attitude – to be an alternative to the conservative status quo in the market.  No stranger to marketing theory in his MBA studies, Morgan was bowled over by Brandonian brand strategy process.

“The strategic methodology produced insights and recommendations for my business, about the category, my brand, my staff – even my ideal type of customer – that were absolutely spot on.” Morgan enthused.


Jester Archetype traits and tone

  • Surprising
  • Provoking
  • Fun
  • Lively
  • Youthful
  • Controversial
  • Dependable
  • Bold/Outgoing

What we did

The Brandonian brand positioning process determined that Alleviate was aligned to the Jester brand archetype.  This suits Morgan’s values and leadership style exactly.

The Jester is about throwing spontaneousness and a much needed human dimension into what can be a very dry category. The Jester celebrates the ‘x factor’ and is permitted to go against the grain.

We created a new brand positioning of Risk. Reward. Repeat with Alleviate, which perfectly captured the entrepreneurial journey of the brand.  This strap line clearly communicates what sets Alleviate apart in the market and what they do differently for their customers which they are supporting everyday.

New tagline

Using the brand positioning as a strong direction, we’ve launched several bold campaign messages, to ensure Alleviate stood out as a youthful and surprising business in the market.


“In my years of business the Brandonian strategic branding and positioning is, without a doubt, the single most significant and effective investment initiative that I have made in my business. My only regret is that I didn’t do it years ago!”

The Brandonian brand strategy delivery now provides a reference point for all of Alleviate’s business activity. This includes all marketing and communications, to providing a values and behaviour guide to staff.

Collateral before rebranding

New brand collateral

New building signage
