Simon Sinek says “People don’t buy what you do they buy why you do it”. So we know in business that we need to clearly articulate not only to ourselves but to our teams (and clients), why we do what we do. To help, Ridgley Goldsborough came up with 9 Why’s. Here they are:
1. Contribute:
To contribute to a greater cause, make a difference, add value or have an impact.
2. Trust:
To create relationships based on trust.
3. Make Sense:
To make sense out of things especially if complex or complicated.
4. Better Way:
To find a better way and share it.
5. Right Way:
To do things the right way.
6. Challenge:
To think differently and challenge the status quo.
7. Master:
To seek mastery and understanding
8. Clarify:
To clarify or create clarity
9. Simplify:
To simplify
What is your Why?
This is a question that we dig deep into in the work we do with our clients, to help them better understand the motivations and behaviours in their audiences. But always a good exercise to do on yourself too!