I have had many people over the years ask me, “where do you get your drive from?, how do you remain so motivated? You never seem to get tired…” my answer is always the same, it is because I am so clear on what I am doing and the role it will play in my life.
I haven’t always been this clear however. I started my first business in 2002 because I wanted a new challenge, not very compelling was it? Then when things got hard as they always do in business that reason was no longer enough to keep me motivated. Business got hard.
I then had two life changing things happen to me – I was in a car accident and could have easily died (they cut me out of the wreck) and I walked Kokoda and had a 27 year old man die on the track in front of me. All unexpected. Both changed my life.
I started to question what I was doing, why was I doing it. What I knew was that if I died today I would be so disappointed, there is much I want to do and so much that I wanted to experience.
From then on, I have built my brand strategy businesses with focus and have surrounded myself with the people that inspire and motivate me just as I do for them. I have continued to ask ‘why’ and seek to understand things better. Business over the last 18 years has been tough, at times it has locked me in, I have struggled financially, we overcame a flood and I have also hired the wrong people to help me and that has been painful. But each time I have wanted to understand why and learn from my mistakes.
Then the good times would come around again, the wins, the great people and businesses I have met and the team I have mentored. Together we make a difference and now I want that to continue.
I believe we only have the one life, so I want to make the most of it. I do have choice over who I spend it with and also around how I live it.
I like to think of my life like parentheses. These are the brackets in a sentence where the content of the bracket adds value to that sentence. If what is in the brackets is removed the sentence still makes sense.
For us, if the first bracket represents when we are born, we have no control over that, and the second bracket represents when we die and we also have no control over that. But what we do have control over is what we do in between.
The challenge I have set myself for my life is to do something in between that will make a difference to people outside of my life(time). I would hate to just be a consumer in this life without contributing in some way. This is what drives me and once I got clear on what this would look like for me, I simply make decisions daily on what is going to help me get closer to realising this goal.
The goal for me, is to help 500,000 small business owners worldwide be seen and heard using our Brandonian neuromarketing system. I see so many good businesses doing great things with amazing people in them, but no one knows about them.
We combine the science of human behaviour with marketing and help these businesses work smarter and not harder to be seen.
We have a number of ways that we work with clients and so get in touch if you want to find out more about what we do and how we can help.
I love neuro marketing!